She's full of sass and not ashamed about displaying it. She might be a teen girl, but she knows how to show her sexual side. She's got a pussy between her hams that's yelling out for some attention. It doesn't matter how much she doesn't try to think about it, her pussy is in bad need of sex. Luckily for her, this guy has just the hard dick that she's been desiring. She's a very lucky teen girl, this guy is more than willing to help out her needy pussy. With her legs unfolded wide open, she encourages his dick deep in her pussy. With all the passion and energy of a teenager, she forces his cock inside her pussy. All he had to do was expose his dick and that hole was all his. It didn't take much to fuck her, just show off his stiff prick and away she went. After all is said and down, he spews a pasty white creamy load of cum on her pretty face. Without blinking an eye, he shot her lovely face full of cum like it had a bulls eye on it.